Sunglasses in City / Location / State

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Protect Your Sight from the Sun

No matter the season, your eyes need protection from ultraviolet (UV) rays that can damage your sight and increase your risk of eye diseases. Sunny days spent by the sea, sand, or snow can reflect glare into your eyes and damage your vision, so be sure to wear sunglasses whether you’re at the ski hill or the beach.

Cloudy days don’t offer much protection either. UV rays can easily penetrate clouds, so overcast skies are not a reason to abandon your sun protection.

Even if you’re blessed with perfect vision, you still need sun safety. We offer a wide selection of sunglasses in both prescription and non-prescription options.

We have sunglasses brands and styles to suit every member of your family. Come and see us today to pick your favourite pair.

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Sun Protection for Little Eyes

Kids spend lots of time outdoors, exposed to UV rays. In fact, a significant part of lifetime UV exposure occurs before the age of 18, so we recommend wearing sunglasses year-round.

Always keep infants out of direct sunlight and provide the youngest members of your family with some extra sun protection like a hat or an umbrella.

We can help you choose a pair of sunglasses that protects from both UVA and UVB rays and fits your child properly. The right fit will help to provide proper sun protection.

Visit us today to find sunglasses for every member of your family.

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Our Brands

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7eye is dedicated to superior eye care and cutting-edge color management, delivering the 7 colors of the visible spectrum with unprecedented clarity, so you have the freedom to do what you love.

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  • 123 Street SE
  • City, Province / State Postal

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: Closed
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

Our Services

Dry Eye

Contact Lens


Eye Disease Diagnosis
& Management

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